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Priesthood Vocations


"Pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood." Jesus says in Matthew 9:38: "ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his vineyard." If we want more priests, religious, we need to ask for it.

"Teach young people how to pray."  Pope Benedict XVI said that "if we do not teach our young people how to pray, they will never hear the call of God in a deep relationship with Him and in discipleship of the Church."

"Invite active young adults and adolescents to consider a vocation to the priesthood."  A simple, heartfelt comment goes a long way. An easy way to do this can be remembered by four letters: ICNU (I See In You). "John, I see in you the qualities that would make you a good priest, and I wish to encourage you to pray about that."  It is a simple way of encouraging openness to a religious vocation.  


"Practice the faith." We all need to remember that the main thing in our lives is to grow in a deep, intimate and loving relationship with God. This is the first step if you want to discern any calling in your life.

"Enter into silence."  Silence is key to health and holiness. We can only "hear" God's voice if we are silent. Take the headphones off your iPhone, iPad, and iTunes and listen to God, the greatest "I am."  Try spending fifteen minutes in silent prayer each day, that's where you can begin to receive clear direction in your life.

"Be a good disciple." One bishop says, 'We don't have a vocation crisis; we have a discipleship crisis.' You can become a true follower of Jesus Christ by serving those around you. By discovering your call to discipleship, you also discover your particular call within the Church.

"Ask God."  Ask God what he desires for your life and know that he only desires what is good for you. If, in fact, you are called to the priesthood it will be the path to your greatest joy and fulfillment.

“In the immortal words of a famous sneaker maker: 'Just Do It!' If you feel that God is inviting you to 'try it,' submit the request to our Bishop.  Remember, the seminary is a place of discernment. You will not be ordained for many years, providing plenty of time to explore the possibility of a call to the priesthood.  WE NEED YOU!


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