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"I have called you by name; you are mine."

– Isaiah 43:1


"Be not afraid! Open wide the doors to Christ!"

– Saint John Paul the Great

“If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire."

– Saint Catherine of Siena







Christian Initiation of Children who have reached Catechetical Age


St. Francis Office of Faith Formation provides the best possible religious education your child can receive because we are committed to their spiritual development.  We believe that understanding and practicing Catholic beliefs, virtues, and morals will affect children in how they will live their lives -belief begets behavior. We believe that preparation for the sacraments should aim at leading children and youth to a more intimate union with Christ and an active sense of belonging to a Catholic faith community.  We welcome and encourage parents and children that in Baptism they are called by Christ for a life- long journey of discipleship and a share in the life of the Trinity.


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults establishes the following for children who have reached Catechetical Age.


RCIA, 252. "This form of the rite of Christian initiation is intended for children, not baptized as infants, who have attained the use of reason and are of catechetical age. They seek Christian initiation either at the direction of their parents or guardians or, with parental permission, on their own initiative. Such children are capable of receiving and nurturing a personal faith and of recognizing an obligation in conscience. But they cannot yet be treated as adults because, at this stage of their lives, they are dependent on their parents or guardians and are still strongly influenced by their companions and their social surroundings."


RCIA, 253 “The Christian initiation of these children requires both a conversion that is personal and somewhat developed, in proportion to their age and the assistance of the education they need. The process of initiation thus must be adapted both to their spiritual progress, that is to the children’s growth in faith, and to the catechetical instruction they receive.”


We have a great RCIA program Adapted for children ages 7-17 who have not been baptized and desire to join the Catholic Church. In order to enroll your child in the program, it is required to be a parishioner in our parish. If you are not a registered parishioner, please contact the office at 303 688 3025.


Registration is open the last week of June online on our website, or if you don’t have access to a computer you are welcome to come to the office to pick up a Faith Formation registration packet. 


Classes start on Sunday, August 21st, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

Parents must sign their children in and out of class for safety reasons.


The RCIA Adapted for children is a process that invites any child aged 7 to 17 interested in learning the Catholic Faith to discover what the Catholic Church teaches and believes. It is open to un-baptized children, children baptized in a non-Catholic Church, and children who may be baptized in the Catholic Church but who have not practiced their Catholic faith regularly.


This is a two-year Program. Please Note: Attending the 9:30 AM Holy Mass, as a family, is an integral part of their ongoing formation.


In the First Year, the children attend Faith Formation classes according to their age on Sundays from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Sunday Holy Mass attendance must be a priority. Classes are taught with the assumption that your child is attending Sunday Holy Mass, as a faith foundation.


In the Second Year for children that are not Baptized during this year an increase in commitment is required from the children and parents. Beginning the First Sunday of Advent children, Parents and Sponsors must attend the 9:30 AM Holy Mass every Sunday until Easter. During the Holy Mass, children will be dismissed after the homily and go to Catechetical Classes. The Catechetical Classes last until 12:30 PM. Additionally, they a few Rites that Children, Parents and Sponsors have to be present for: The Rite of Acceptance, Scrutinies and Penitential Rites, a Rite of Sending the Catechumens to their Election in our Parish and the Rite of Election in Colorado Springs.

Near the end of the process, the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are celebrated at the Easter Vigil.


The process has four periods much like that of the RCIA of adults. We present various content depending upon the period. These four periods are described below. 


The Pre-catechumenate (Period of Evangelization, Getting to know our Savior, Jesus Christ).

This period is a time for inquiry and welcome. It is a time of introduction to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a time of reflection on one’s own life according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. They have a beginning of faith, being able to point to the presence of God in their lives. They acknowledge what actions offend God, stirrings of repentance, practice calling God in prayer, and have a sense of what the Church is.


The children have the opportunity to receive the answers to their questions and to allow their Christian Faith Form, during this period. The children must be ready to move to the period of Catechumenate and to celebrate the Rite of Acceptance.


The Rite of Acceptance into the order of Catechumens is the First Step in the initiation process. This Liturgical Rite is on the First Sunday of Advent at the 9:30 AM Holy Mass. The children’s parents or guardians and sponsor/godparents should be present.


The Catechumenate (Period of Becoming a Follower of Jesus Christ).

During this time, catechumens receive anointings, participate in prayers of exorcism and blessing and take part in the mission of the Church to the world.

The children learn to be Catholics by spending time, sharing, and serving with others Catholic Children in the church. It is a time for learning more about Church teachings supported by Scripture and Tradition. Jesus is the center of Catechesis. By nurturing faith in this way a child is led to a "conversion of heart" and a commitment to become a follower of Christ within the Catholic Church.  


The Catechumens are formed by Word, Community, Mission and Kindliness. The Catechumens are Dismissed at the 9:30 AM Holy Mass for instruction which lasts until 12:30 PM. God’s Work in the Child’s Life: At the conclusion of the Period of the Catechumenate, a Rite of Sending the Catechumens to their Election will be held at the 9:30 AM Holy Mass.


The Period of The Purification and Enlightenment

This period of preparation is called purification because it is a time intended to purify the minds and hearts of the elect as they search their own conscience and do penance.


This is a Spiritual Formation Intensified through Praying, Fasting, Almsgiving, etc. It is a time of reflection and learning about the value of Sacraments, particularly of Reconciliation and receiving the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. During this period the children must have the desire to receive the sacraments of Initiation. They must listen to the Word of God and try to live as a faithful follower. They must take part in the community’s life of prayer and service to God’s Church.


The Rite of Election or Enrollment of Names is the second step in the initiation process, is going to be at Colorado Springs. It’s the ritual that marks the Catechumen’s transition from the Period of the Catechumenate to the next period of Purification and Enlightenment.

This Liturgical Rite is usually celebrated on the First Sunday of Lent in Colorado Springs by the Bishop.


This is the final period of preparation and it is completed by the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation (the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion).  


A final, Mystagogy Period

This is the period of living the mysteries. It is an important time to experience meaning of the Sacraments and to deepen one’s faith. One should awaken to the spiritual gifts of the Spirit at Pentecost. Also, one should participate with the faithful in the Eucharistic life of the Church and its mission.


A sponsor is needed. 

Sponsors of these children have very important roles in this process. Sponsors and/or godparents should attend the sessions regularly with the children to help them engage in dialog with the catechist and each other. It is important that the child feel welcome, comfortable and secure with the freedom to enter into dialog with the group. In addition, the sponsor participates with the child at all ritual celebrations including the rite of Welcome/Acceptance, the Rite of Sending, Rite of Election and Rites of Initiation at Easter Vigil.  


Prerequisites for Sponsor  

To qualify as a sponsor or godparent, a person must be fully initiated in the Church and living according to Catholic Church teachings. They must be a practicing Catholic. Proof of these qualifications may be required.


Vicki Arndt
Sacrament Formation


Download RCIA C/T and SFBC SUNDAY Calendar (English) 

Download RCIA C/T and SFBC SUNDAY Calendar (Spanish) 

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