from the Pastor
“Let us begin to do good, for as yet we have done little.”
Saint Francis of Assisi
Francis spoke these words at a time when most people already considered him a saint. Are you a saint? Are you willing to become a saint with the help of Saint Francis?
Welcome to our parish dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi! We have been working to make saints with Jesus in his Catholic Church since 1888, We are happy to have you with us! Becoming more and more like Jesus was the mission of Francis. It’s our mission, too!
The Most Holy Trinity has already blessed you with life and given you the gift of faith. Each time you come to our parish, you can grow even more. Whenever you walk through the door, walk in to deepen your friendship with the three Divine Persons. You are not entering something different from the Christian life or something

better than other Catholics. You are coming, like Francis, and with Francis, into the depths of God. The only thing different about your life here will be the particular color and direction given it by Francis. You’re beginning again, and you will continue to begin again every day, for the rest of your life.
In your spiritual life here, you have to be satisfied to progress gradually. You will discover your weaknesses and confess your sins. But trust in God. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. No deep love can be reached without the Holy Spirit’s direction through prayer. Make daily prayer, regular confession, Sunday Mass and Holy Communion the fundamental encounters that you have with God. Invite the Holy Spirit to lead you, not just to learn more, but to a deeper conversion of your heart and soul in daily life. Conversion is ongoing. We live the Gospel given us by Jesus and share it with others, like Saint Francis.
In what ways do you hope to deepen your love of God here?
What sins have you committed in the past that have kept you from God? Do you desire to have a better spirit formed within you so that you can share it with others? Lord, you promise to make all things new. That includes me! As I begin this journey as a member of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in Castle Rock, I ask you to begin to renew my faith, hope, and charity. Amen.
“I have done what was mine to do; may the Lord teach you yours.” – Saint Francis of Assisi
Welcome Home!
Rev. Mark Zacker