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Eucharistic Revival Begins Next Weekend!

Long Live Christ the King!

Next weekend, we will celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. What a wonderful opportunity to begin our three-year Eucharistic Revival and to return to the distribution of the Precious Blood of Christ at every Mass. The Bishops of the United States have called us all to fall more deeply in love with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. I am so happy that Bishop Golka has permitted us to return to the distribution of the Precious Blood of Christ at every Mass, as we did before the pandemic. As Jesus give us his very Body and Blood, he proves his great love for us. As we receive Him in Holy Communion, let us fall in love with Him! We are so grateful for all of our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who assist us in the distribution of Holy Communion at every Mass!

I invite everyone, too, to join us next weekend for our 40 Hours Devotion! When I was a boy, every parish had a 40 Hours Devotion each year. It was a great opportunity to deepen our love for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist by coming to church and spending time in prayer. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration on our main altar. Our church will be open all-night Saturday, November 19 and Sunday, November 20. In-between the weekend Masses, as well, we will have time for exposition and adoration. The 40 Hours Devotion will conclude on Monday morning, November 21 following the 8:00 AM Mass with a final Holy Hour. I ask every family to come for 15, or 30 minutes or an hour sometime over the weekend. When was the last time you really enjoyed some peace and quiet prayer with Jesus? We are so grateful for our Knights of Columbus who will be providing security throughout the two overnights. Come, let Jesus love you!

Rev. Mark Zacker



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