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Do not be afraid;from now on you will be catching men
No tengas miedo; a partir de ahora serás pescador de hombres How wonderful that God did not leave Peter, Paul or Isaiah in fear and...

Carrying the Light of Christ
Llevando la luz de Cristo Good things come to those who wait! With patience, Anna and Simeon trust that the Lord is coming. May we make...

Equal in Dignity, United in Mission: The Beauty of the Body of Christ
Iguales en dignidad, unidos en misión: la belleza del Cuerpo de Cristo Today’s Second Reading, from St. Paul’s first letter to the...

Water to Wine: How God Works Through Us for Real Change
Del agua al vino: cómo Dios obra a través nuestro para generar un cambio real How can real change happen? — For all those affected by...

One God in Three Persons: The Mystery of the Trinity and the Divinity of Christ
The Most Holy Trinity, our one God in three Divine Persons, are manifest in today’s last feast of Christmas, the Baptism of our...

Happy New Year 2025!/¡Feliz Año 2025!
Happy New Year 2025! The Solemnity of the Epiphany we celebrate today is a great introduction to the Jubilee Year of Hope! The magi...

Merry Christ Mass! / ¡Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas time! Today’s Gospel reading on this Feast of the Holy Family gives us a glimpse into the childhood of Jesus with his...

Following Our Blessed Mother / Siguiendo a Nuestra Santísima Madre
Our Blessed Mother takes center stage on this fourth Sunday of Advent, and rightly so, as we draw near to the celebration of her Son’s...

Making your Life a Christmas Gift/Tu Vida Como Un regalo de Navidad
We have arrived at Gaudete Sunday ( Gaudete is the Latin word for “rejoice”). This third week of Advent our Bible readings take on a...
Advent is a Journey/Adviento es un Viaje
While it can be tempting to give in to all the hustle and bustle of this time of year, our Bible readings today tell us something...

Christmas Mission at St Francis of Assisi Parish!!!
As we approach the joyful season of Christmas, I want to invite you to a special parish mission with Father David Songy, a Franciscan...
Feast of Christ the King of the Universe
On this last Sunday of Ordinary Time for the liturgical year, we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. This feast was instituted by...

The Spirit of Greccio: Preparing to Welcome Christ and Christmas
As we approach the joyful season of Christmas, I want to invite you to a special parish mission with Father David Songy, OFM,...

Lessons from the Generosity and Strength of Two Widows/Lecciones de la generosidad y fortaleza de dos viudas
Today’s First Reading from the First Book of Kings, as well as the Gospel passage from Saint Mark, both center on the actions of two...

Living the Greatest Commandments/Viviendo los mayores mandamientos.
Today’s Gospel presents Jesus’ teachings on the two greatest commandments. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength....

Voting Like a Catholic/Vota como un Católico
Whether we like them or not, both major political parties have presented their nominees for this year’s presidential election year, and...

"What Must I do to Inherit Eternal Life?"/"¿qué debo hacer para alcanzar la vida eterna?"
You might cringe when you hear the Gospel story today because it is sad — this man was so close to becoming an active disciple of Jesus,...

St Francis of Assisi Annual Stewardship Renewal
We just completed our first 135 years as a parish — now, on to the next! Click the image to learn more! This week we begin a vital part...

NOVENA To ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI/La Novena de San Francisco de Asís
We are concluding our 135th Anniversary Year as a Parish on the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi on October 4 and a Parish Family...
God Loves you!
Our Bible readings today bring to light the daily struggle between good and evil and how we can win that struggle through gratitude. ...
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