Ah, Summer! Vacations, BBQ, Family, Friends. Hope you’re enjoying the good old summertime! Life often takes us outside our parish for some or all of the summer months.
While we may be geographically distant, we still want to stay in touch about our parish events. Check out our parish website and sign up for our weekly Flocknote, if you haven’t already done so. You’ll feel connected, no matter where you are.
If you haven’t done so, you can convert to recurring online giving. A consistent, recurring digital gift allows you to travel while still supporting Saint Francis financially. How do you convert to online giving? We have a plan for that! Just go to our parish website: www.stfranciscr.org and click on the DONATE link.
Let’s stick together and keep the parish as one, big, happy generous family!
Wednesday, June 29, marks the first anniversary of our Bishop Golka.
Let's thank God for our new bishop!
Friday, July 1, marks the arrival of our new parochial vicar, Fr. Chance Bilmeyer.
Please join us at the new 8:00 AM WEEKDAY MASS on July 1 to welcome him!
Rev. Mark Zacker