Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Did you know that the word “Eucharist” means “thanksgiving?” As we celebrate the start of our three-year Eucharistic Revival this weekend, we have so much to be thankful for.
Thank you, Jesus, for your great love for us that gives us your very Body and Blood at every Mass! Thank you, Blessed Mother, Mary, and Saint Joseph, for praying for us to be a Holy Family like yours! Thank you, Saint Francis of Assisi, for being our patron and showing us by your life of poverty, humility, and joyful service, how we can follow Jesus more radically!
Thank you, Bishop Golka for granting us permission to return to the distribution of the Precious Blood of Christ at all of our Masses! Thank you to all our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for returning to serve us in this important ministry!
Thank you to our Knights of Columbus for providing security for our church to be open overnight this weekend for our Forty Hours Devotion! Our church will be open all night Saturday and Sunday (November 19-20) for Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration. What a blessed time to be in love with the One who truly loves you. Please come for a quiet visit to share your thanks with Jesus!
Thank you to our new deacon John Kauffman and his wife, Mary, for joining our parish. With Father Chance Billmeyer and Deacons Tom Liotta, Ed DeMattee, and Chris Kennedy, I am so very thankful to have your partnership in ministry here.
Thank you to all of our hard-working office staff, acolytes, altar servers, catechists, hospitality ministers, and volunteers for your dedicated ministry that often goes above and beyond the call of duty!
Thank you to the 250 new families that joined our parish in the last year! And to the many more who visit and support our ministries week after week!
Thank you, to all of you, our faithful parish family, for your great love of Jesus and our Catholic faith. Thank you for sharing that faith with your children. Thank you for inviting others back to Jesus who have drifted away.
May our Lord Jesus in the most Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of His very Body and Blood, nourish us and help us grow throughout this Thanksgiving season and always!
Please join us Thursday, November 24, Thanksgiving Day at 8:00 AM for our Thanksgiving Day Mass!
Rev. Mark Zacker