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Divine Mercy Sunday

Happy Divine Mercy Sunday! Our Easter Celebration continues for 50 days! (Lent was only 40!).Congratulations to those who were baptized, confirmed, and received into full communion with us last week: Evelyn Chanita, Helen I. Chanita, Villaneissa Liffrig, Loc Martin, Carl Vaughan, Victoria Bradshaw, Keith Cox, Brad Joiner and Lori Norden.

Thanks to our wonderful choirs, those who helped decorate the church, and all of our deacons, acolytes, and altar servers for their hard work. Thanks to everyone who came to Easter Mass! Our Church was PACKED for all eight Masses!

Father Homero and I are very grateful to see your love for Jesus and His Body, the Church! I hope to be in Rome this weekend with Pope Francis and all the Missionaries of Mercy. Please pray for us. I will be praying for you!

Recently Pope Francis wrote, “The risen Jesus appears to the disciples several times. He patiently comforts their discouraged hearts. In this way he brings about, if you will, the "resurrection of the disciples." Revived by Jesus, their lives are changed. Before, so many words and so many examples of the Lord had failed to change them. Now, at Easter, something new happens. And it is carried out in the sign of mercy. Jesus raises them up again with mercy, and they, receiving mercy, become merciful. It is very difficult to be merciful if one has never received mercy!

Do you want proof that God has touched your life? See if you care for the wounds of others. Today is the day to ask ourselves: ‘I, who so many times received God's peace, who so many times received his forgiveness and his mercy, am I merciful to others? I, who have been fed me so many times with the Body of Christ, what do I do to feed others?’ We can’t be indifferent. Let us not live a half faith, which receives but does not give, which welcomes the gift but does not become a gift. We have received mercy, let us be merciful. Because if love ends in ourselves, faith dries up. Without sharing with others, it becomes disembodied. Without the works of mercy, it dies. Let us be resurrected by the peace, forgiveness, and wounds of the merciful Jesus. And let us ask for the grace to become witnesses of mercy. Only then will faith be alive. And life will be unified. Only in this way will we announce the Gospel of God, which is the Gospel of mercy.”

Rev. Mark Zacker

Parochial Administrator

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