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No Wine

Jesus worked his first miracle at a wedding, and his mother, Mary, asked him to do it.

This sign is very striking.

Jesus did not begin his public ministry with some solemn miracle in the Temple of Jerusalem.

Jesus came to help people wherever they needed it.

And a wedding is a place of joy, happiness, and hope.

Sometimes our life is like the wedding at Cana: it runs out of wine, that is, without joy, without hope. The monotony of our daily life, the continuous problems that arise, the difficulties that we must overcome ... little by little they are sapping us inside until one day we realize that we are stuck in sadness and hopelessness. And we think that God has abandoned us - maybe God does not exist.

At such times it is a great idea to ask the Virgin Mary for help.

She, as in the wedding at Cana, knows well what our problem is, and asks her Son for the solution. When we pray closely with Mary, she never fails us.

Sometimes the solution is not immediate, or it does not turn out as we expected.

But the truth is that, sooner or later, in one way or another, thanks to her intercession, we receive an answer to our prayer.

Spiritual teachers tell us that times of crisis are opportunities that God gives us to mature inwardly and draw closer to Him. No matter how painful it is, it is important to never stop praying. Although sometimes this is difficult, with the help of our Mother,

the Virgin Mary, we will pass through the difficult time. We will come out of the crisis stronger.

I have been praying the rosary daily for more years than I can remember. I encourage you to pray the rosary each day… in your car, at the gym, on a walk… anywhere. Meditate on the joyful, sorrowful, luminous, and glorious mysteries of life. Jesus, Mary, and the Church are with you through it all!

Rev. Mark Zacker

Parochial Administrator


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